小型設計で、設置場所を選びません自動現象処理では2分~8分まで調整が可能。 誤差は±10%以内である。速度調整・温度調整がマニュアル設定により、フィルムの条件や種類に応じて自由に調整できます。
1. Processing time of dental x-ray film processor. The time which develops films needed is 2min-8min, and can be accommodated continuously. The error is within± 10%.
2. Light leaking. During the bathing process, light leaking is not permitted.
3. The stability of film delivery . The delivery mechanism of film should not lacerate or lock films.
4. The timing panel of transit film.The timing panel of transit film adopts the number 1-12 represents month, each scale represents 10 days.
Normal working conditions:
Surroundings temperature: 18℃-30℃;
Relative humidity:≤70%;
Atmospheric pressure: 700hPa-1060hPa;
Surroundings of transportation and reservation:
Surroundings temperature range: -40℃-+55℃;
Relative humidity range: ≤93%
Atmospheric pressure range: 500hPa-1060hPa.